Maple Story

What is Maple Story?


A fun korean based game where the object is to beat the hell out of snails, slimeballs, stumps, dinosaurs, GOLLEMS (dark and white), and a bunch of other crap. Download at mapleglobal. In the game you can also buy rather expensive items like armor, weapons. At level ten you can take up a job and get more power. You can become a Warrior (use swords, axes, maces, blunt weapons, pole arms), a thief (use throwind stars or daggers), a Bowman (bows and crossbows), magician (wands and staffs)(pretty overpopulated job)

n00b 1 "I want to be thief so i can beat the hell out of stumps with throwing stars."

n00b 2 "I want to be a bowman so I can beat the hell out of gollems with a bow."

noob 3 "Well you guys are all douches cuz you wanna be those people. I want to be a warrior so I can look tough and cool"

n00b 4 "Wow you are g@y, (you cant say gay on MapleStory) i want to be a mage so i can kill-steal all of you with powerful magic"

THE REAL NOOB "I want to be a n00b forever cuz people help n00bs level up"


Maplestory is a game full of ignorant and immature 13 (or less) year olds. It is known to be highly addictive, and very repetitive. It's a 2-d game, that has blocked out almost every form of swearing including "anal" so you cannot type "analyze" NEVER THOUGHT OF THAT DID YOU, MAPLE ADMINS? Also things that cannot be typed include: "FiniSH IT" "oF A Goat" it always seems to find some form of cursing whenever you want to message something really fast.

The only thing people call each other in this game is a "noob" even though they are unaware of what the true meaning of noob is. If you're a low level, you're a noob, not a newb. Because of the vast majority of stupid people, this is a very common mistake.

Also don't expect for trades to go very well, everybody on the game wants trades to be done quickly, and they don't even bother to negotiate, they just close the trade if they don't like the price. If you offer too high, they call you a noob, if you offer too low, the rip you off, so in order to get the best deal you have to have no life and remmeber all the prices and whenever they change.

Dumbass: "LOL U R A NOOB"

Smartass:"Only a true noob would talk like that"


Smartass: "You're just making yourself look stupid, dumbass"

9/10 people on Maple Story act like that

See maplestory, 2-d, dumbass, pointless


All the fun of wailing on snails packed into one free game.

I feel like spending hours of my time fighting mushrooms with yellow caps so I can, get this: fight mushrooms with BLUE CAPS.


an addicting game in which you can't quit once you start unless you get hacked. repetetive..but some consider fun if fun is killing snails for the first 8-10 levels.full of names like LiLvIeTbO1 and AzNpRyDe. this game ruins your life. trust me i know. once you start playing, if you go to school, your grades drop down a lot.

maple story

scammer(at hennesy): Buying 60% 2-handed Sword scroll 10k

noob:wow ill do it thats alot

scammer:how many u got?

noob:i got 1


noob:ok(shows a one-handed blunt weapon scroll )

scammer:LMAO NOOB(closes trade window)

noob(thinks to himself):what a f@g(can't cuss on maplestory)im gonna defame him and log out

scammer:press tab tab space enter youll get free items

gullible player: ok (presses)

....and then he loses all his items.

Noob1:I want to be a warrior so i can use cool swords and wear ugly armor for the first 30 levels!

Noob2:I want to be a thief so i can be a ninja like naruto!

Noob3: I want to be a mage so I can Kill Steal all of you.

Noob4: I want to be a bowman so I can summon eagle at level 70!

See ms, maplestory, games, computer


Single most ADICTIVE game known to man... the only game that keeps you playing 24/7 If you have work/school or a social life then do NOT play this game it takes up to much of your time!

Im up at 6AM

Im home at 7PM

Im on Maple Story From 7PM to 1AM

See game, fun, annoying, competitive


Maple Story cartoony anime game made in korea basically about killing monsters.Suprisingly addicting I reccomend you might not want to play unless you can control your addiction and yeah it's over run by a bunch of ignorant kids and stupid Naruto fans.A game features a cash shop full of cloths,Double EXP cards,Super mega phones and other useless items the devilish company of Nexon want kids to buy even if they did steal they'er parents credit card or hacked they'er PayPal acount.


is basically killing monster which is a cycle,kill monster "Wooooooooooooot i got lvl up lololololz ^_____^"

however there is a thing called a Party quest also know as pq@@@@@ which is suposed help which it does up until a certain level and plus the community is the big problem other that it slows down at level 40 unless you're a hacker which can get to level 70 in a week.

Maplers attend to have various phrases towards others such as

Person whos 3 levels higher than you:omg ur a noob

Random and desprit girl/guy: WANNA BE MY GF/BF,(or looking for gf/bf@@@@@@@@@@@)

Stupid:CC Plz (it means change channel if you did not know)

Moron: hey everybody defame xxx (insert reason why)

Noob: mesos plox (even high levels does this dressed up like "noobs")

To handle the jerks on Maple Story is either don't type anything to them or tell them Naruto sucks that will make them real mad or better yet ask how did they get they'er Nexon item then tell them they stole they're mommy's credit card.

So as you can see little kids who act like they have balls play this game.

After getting beat in a card game on Maple story

Stupid:omfg u cheated,turn the cheats off,i report u

Smart person: Wow how old you and did you flunk grammer school?

See maplestory, cc plz, noob, moron


The life of lifeless people without a life. ;]

Fo Sho`

Person with a Life: Do you have a life? >:O

Lifeless Person: Nope. :]

Person with a Life: What do you do all day o_o

Lifeless Person: Maple Story :D ~FTW~

See maple, story, maplestory, hacker, noob, trade, monster, monsters


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