
What is March?


Month in which creative, layed-back, dreamy, cool people were born.

She was born in march so she is creative, layed-back, dreamy and cool.

See m


The month in which all sexy, drop dead gorgeous women are born.

Jessicas are usually born in March.

See march, jessica, spring, women, sexy


All people born in March are true inspirations, have imaginations that run wild and are go-getters. The month in which all of the true gangsters were born!

Damn, she was born in March?! She's a true O.G.

See gangster, smart


The month where the smartest, hottest girls are born in. If your not born in there, or your girlfriend isn't, your shit out of luck.

"That girl is born in march"

See march, leprechaun


beginning of spring and babies are born. Everything starts turning green.

" It must be march there's freaking babies everywhere!"

See march, mar, mars, ma, marsh


Indefinite date, usually implied when something is coming soon, but the definitive date is unknown.

See also procrastinate

New and improved, coming this March!

See march, procrastinate, indefinite, late


A mission with no distractions; straight line (point A to point B).

"What sounds real good is Taco Bell. No bullshit. It's a march."

"Word, son. Let's roll."

See march, mission, journey, quest, adventure


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