Marching Band

What is Marching Band?



Where were you Friday night?

At a football game, marching at halftime.

What about Saturday?

Marching Contest.


Practicing for Region Band.

Monday after school? Tuesday? Every other day of the school week?

Marching practice. Come on, you think I have another life or something?


1. A cult of the top students in the school, playing as one, moving as one, becoming one.

2. The greatest thing I've ever experienced.

Marching kids hate MB during practice, love MB during competitions, and miss MB when its over.


1)The greatest extracurricular you can ever join. It's so kickass, and we work so much harder than the damn football team

2)The activity that consumes your summer.

3)Where all the hot guys are.

I have a marching band competition on Saturday. We're going to kick North Penn's ass.

See Christina


1. My whole entire life.

2. The class I live for.

3. The after-school activity you actually enjoy.

4. What you look forward to all year long, and you even love marching in the mud, the rain, and the blazing hot sun at band camp.

5. It taught me to appreciate the dirty things in life.

6. The late night bus rides where you play games, sing cheesy songs, and make out with your bus buddy (hey it's dark, and ALMOST no one can see).

7. Getting naked in front of everyone and loving it.

8. Your real family, that you love and also want to do things with.

9. It takes up all your free time and you love it.

10. Something to actually be proud of, since we work harder than the football team, probably win more awards, and we have more fun. Plus, it's one of the only sports that has boys and girls. You can never go wrong with that.

11. The feeling of belonging to something.


At one band competition, we got to the school at 2 A.M. and got back at 4 in the morning the next day. I was tired, my feet hurt and I had five shots in my coffee just to stay awake. And for that 24 hours my home was the white tent where we changed, my family was the band and all my friends, and heaven was those styrofoam cups of burning hot chocolate and out sock feet stepping in rain puddles while we frantically changed into marching uniforms. It's the amazing feeling you get when you finish the last note of your marching show, and the sound resonates all around the stadium, and you snap back to attention trying so hard not to smile because you're so happy.


It's a sport. Get over it.

Marching band is a sport.


1. My life

2. The best way to make friends freshmen year

3. a great place to learn music (no shit), marching (no shit part 2), balance, dynamics :-D , how to deal with others, leadership, reflexes, flexibility, and more and more stuff...

4. About the only thing in in a Band Kid's life

5. usually comes with a colorguardattatched... unless you don't have one, which was a good thing at one time but colorguardies are sweet and I'm glad my school has one again

6. A second home... I live in the band room half the year, the band is my extended family, my instructors are awesome, MM is amazing too

7. Where we learn to "March Like Gods" as Julio says

8. Where I learnded how to BS anything

9. and turn any innocent comment into a very dirty one

10. Hot guys... most, and then some ugly nice ones :-D

11. An experience everyone who loves music should have

1. Band is her life! We can't go to the movies, can't go shopping... she's always as band-this or band-that

2. I'd say 80% of my friends are in the band... very sad but i love it!!

3. She can walk instep with her friends down the hallway with a lunch tray on her head, and her eyes closed. She's humming and fingering the show while she's at it

4. I have no other life as you can tell

5. I love my guardies! You know who you are sweeties!!

6. "The band room is my home," said Laura

"... the band hallway is my patio... unless the janitor lady kicjs me out," said I.

7. Heehee ACC

8. Oh yeah, just do your facts paragraphs in Mr. Eiler's class on music... which he knows nothing about so you cant be wrong

9. I was doing the robot in class while the low brass was playing their groove in Magna

10. Colorguardies love band guys.. proven fact... and everyone loves drummers

11. My life is changed because of band and I'd like it no other way :-D


1. a group of amazing hilarious (yet perverted) people who can march in step, following a drill chart, while either playing music or spinning a flag/rifle/sabre

2. people playing music in the stands at a football game or dancing to it

3.the hardest workers in the world

4. a group including brass, percussion, woodwinds, and colorguard.

5. my life

6 synonym:awesomeness

1. The marching band is hot!!!

2. the colorguard shimmied to wipe out, so the drummers were distracted.

3 those damn saturday 7 hour practices.

4. woodwinds are bad marchers, and percussion doesn't even dare to try

5 i have band practice 7 days a week.

See dani


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