Margarine Face

What is Margarine Face?


A face that is ugly due (at least in part) to the use of plasic surgery. Whether in an attempt to correct flaws or just to improve a decent face, sometimes the use of surgery causes recipient to have a Margarine face.

Person 1: Did you see what Kathy Griffindid to herself?

Person 2: I sure did. Before, she wasn't perfect or nothing, but now she's got a Margarine face.

See butter face, margarine, plastic surgery, ugly


A female with an attractive body, but a "marginally" attractive face(hence the use of the word "margarine"). A margarine face is a female whose face barely exceeds the minimum requirements for an attractive face, as not be ugly. A margarine face is slightly more attractive than a butter face, as a butter face has no facially attractive features whatsoever.

I saw a girl with a great body the other day, but her face wasn't all that attractive. She was a total margarine face.

See ugly, margarine, face, pretty, hot, bangable, fugly


As opposed to a butter face--a girl with a hot body but an ugly face--a margarine face is a girl with a hot body, but an average face. A margarine face is better than a butter face because margarine is not as bad for as you butter.

Dude, I was walking behind these two girls on the sidewalk and they had the most amazing asses I've ever seen. But then I saw their faces. The girl on the left was ugly as sin. TOTAL butter face! However, the girl on the right wasn't as ugly, so she was a margarine face.

See margarine, face, butter, girl, beauty, attractiveness, margerine, woman, dairy, nickname


A female with a gorgeous body, but a face riddled with acne and oil.

She better take care of that margarine face before the swimsuit competition!

See butter face, acne, odyssey, oscar wilde, hitler


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