What is Marginal?
Another word for an insecure, psychotic, nerd who has problems distinuishing real life from the internet.
See that dude with the shit life? He's a Marginal. Hopefully he'll die.
A synonym for a woman's genitalia, vagina, pussy, etc.
Other Synonyms: abandon, buckle under, capitulate, cave in, cede, commit, concede, consign, cry uncle, deliver up, eat crow, eat dirt, entrust, fall, fold, forego, give in, go down, go under, hand over, knuckle, knuckle under, leave, let go, lump it, pack in, part with, play dead, quit, relinquish, renounce, resign, roll over, say uncle, submit, succumb, waive, yield
The cowardly French fuck knelt down and marginaled like a bitch.