Marie Antoinette

What is Marie Antoinette?


Marie Antoinette was the Queen of France during the French Revolution. Marie Antoinette has gone down in history as the arrogant and apathetic monarch who said "let them eat cake" when told the peasants were starving because they had no bread. The daughter of Francis I and Maria Theresa, Emperor and Empress of the Holy Roman Empire, Marie left Austria for France in 1770 to marry the prince of France. As the revolution swept Paris in 1789, Louis and Marie tried to flee but failed. Marie and Louis XVI were stuck as prisoners at the palace at Tuileries. They tried to get help from royal supporters in England, Prussia and Austria, but in 1792 they were arrested and charged with treason. Louis was beheaded 21 January 1793 and Marie was beheaded 16 October 1793. According to legend, Marie's last words were an apology to the executioner for accidently stepping on his foot.

Josh: "Who are you studying about Amanda?"

Amanda: "I'm studying about Marie Antoinette, she was very very rich.

Josh: "Like I give a damn?"

See marie, antoinette, rich, cake, snob, france, austria


A daydreaming stupidly rich woman who lives by herself. She obsesses about one day marrying a milkman who is really a newspaper girl. She has a pile of tangled hair on her head where two lovebirds live, and she wears huge dresses and lounges in her huge mansion in a downtown city. She's got some violent tendancies, like shoving people into rosebushes, but some suspect she picked these up from a violent childhood being raised with brother, napoleon and estranged sister, queen elizabeth I.

Her prom dress was so obnoxiously huge, it was like one of Marie Antoinette's. Seriously.

When Alexia woke up the next morning, she was shocked to see that while she was passed out from the party the night before, someone had crazy-glued her hair into a Marie Antoinette style.

I swear to god, she's obsessed with him. It's like Marie Antoinette and the milkman.

See marie, antoinette, milkman, dress, rich


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