Mario Bottler

What is Mario Bottler?


(On playing Mario Kart DS on a wi-fi connection) - One who avoids losing a Mario Kart race by switching his or her Nintendo DS off mid-race, much to the amusement or frustration of competing gamers. From the cockney rhyming slang, bottler.

I'm going to win... oh no, the other guy's bottled it. He's a mario bottler!

See coward, bottler, spineless, mario kart ds


(On playing Mario Kart DS on a wi-fi connection) - One who avoids losing a Mario Kart race by switching his or her Nintendo DS off mid-race, much to the amusement or frustration of competing gamers. From the cockney rhyming slang, bottler.

I'm going to win... oh no, the other guy's bottled it. He's a mario bottler!

See mario, ds, bottler, cowardice


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