
What is Marion?


The sweetest town on planet earth.

25 miles east of Asheville, NC. (That's about 30,000 paces for you pirates out there.)

If you still don't know where it is, get a map.


You live in Marion? Dude, total sweetness!

See p.g., glenwood, nebo


Tight, really tight

"mum can i borrow 50p?"


(you've just been marionized)

See matron, mamma, tight, jew


someone who is loud, able to make you smile, always chooses the hard challenges, and is always there when you need a friend. Usually pretty, but can be average looking too.

cam: oh wow look at that babe!

john: oh yea. marion! shes super nice!

See maryann, marion, maryanne, pretty


A name more often given to a girl... Unfortunately it is also given to a boy more than it should be... Although there are a few famous men who've been given this name.

Marion Jones - American athlete

Marion Robert Morrison (better known as John Wayne) - American actor

Marion Michael Rounds - former governor of South Dakota

Marion Motley - Hall of Fame American Football Player

Francis Marion - "The Swamp Fox" guerilla warfare general of the American Revolution

Shawn Marion - American Basketball Player

Jean-Luc Marion - French Philosopher

"Haha! Marion is a girl's name!"

"Oh yeah?"


"Without Francis Marion's brilliant guerilla warfare tactics during the American Revolution, we might all have been BRITISH!"


See marion jones


A Small town in South East MA. Right near Cape Cod, but dont get confused, it is NOT ON the Cape. It is on the other side of the bridge. The town consists of about 2,500 people in the winter and in the summer getting up to about 6,000 if they are lucky. You've got the 'gangsta' part of town, and the rich part. Yes there is a bar on Point Road. But yet, Point Road consisits of maybe the preppyiest part of town, and the 'gangsta'iest part of town. The school is a very very good public school and the buildings are HUGE and way too nice than is necisarry. Tabor Academy is the prep school located on the water. All of the wives of teachers at tabor steal jobs from the ones who actualy live there. ORR loves to steal from Tabor and Tabor has learned to HATE ORR with a passion. Uncle Jons Coffee can tell when a tabor kid comes in because they pay with a $50 bill for a $2 coffee. The kids there could only dream of being some what preppy or somewhat gansta.. you chose. They have no idea what the real world is, and when they leave there pressus place, they get scared and make fools of themselves. Drinking will soon become the rage there... just give it time.

marionette:I'm from Marion !

Other person:Where the fuck is marion?

marionette: well its near cape cod, like two towns away. well i guess you could just say its near new bedford, or wait maybe bourne.

See sailing, small town


A place where this is nothing to do. Marion is the equivilant to sticking your pinky up(spongebob). The people try to act proper and stuck up.. when really they are. In the winter we run ourselfs off the road in out BMW's, Jag's, Mercides, Volvos, Lamborginis, Corvets, Cadiclats, Lexius's, and so on. In the summer, you walk anywhere since the town is 5x5 miles long. Also when townies are walking to the beach, torrists walk by or drive by and ask you how to get to the beach, we point our fingers and say right there, please, dont ask where the beach is because any direction you go you will find one.. never the less see one, sometimes when its too hot to walk you drive with the AC on to the beach,... and sit there... doing nothing. Or others like to sit at home and count their money, or count their money at the BYC (beverly yhat club), or sit on their pattio's on the top of their 3 storie water street, water front house and count their money and watch their maids and buttlers clean up and tend to their every need.

Marion:Rich look down on those who are less "privildged" in Marion.Don't give up on dullsvill.

See marion, tri-town, orr, maron


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