What is Marley?
the most absolutely gorgeous girl you will ever meet. down to earth, a lot of fun, beautiful inside and out, and DEFINITELY not frigid. hahahaha
"i wish my girlfriend was a Marley"
The fattest joint known to man. Just as Bob Marley smoked.
Damn, we put an eighth into that marley. I sure am baked.
A fat, long
The other night me and my boo rolled a marley and got higher than a bitch.
1. n. A small reinforcement placed in the base of a joint usually made of thick paper or light cardboard. Marijuana smokers usually tear a small piece of paper from their package of rolling papers to create a marley. This is a typical practice for many Europeans.
"You dumb mafacker, you're smoking the marley. Throw that shit out the window, nigga."
An adult cigarrette, packed with cronicy goodness. Usually rapped with tabbaco tackness unless its a megga marley, in which case the tackness does not flow
Wrap a quick marley...............Build a bid doobie!!!!!!!!!!!!
1) often the last person to show up to a party, and the least liked guest (eats food in your fridge and invites self in)
2) only dates violent fat punks with drinking problems and will lay anyone who gives her a beer.
3) someone who would beat up a seriously disadvantaged person just for fun
ex. cripples, little people, large children, people with no limbs.
4) an ugly bucket of yuck punk lady who lacks self respect and rhythem all at the same time.
5) someone who is fucking DOOMED.
"only a marley would bury her dead hookers like THAT"
"please use protection, do you want to catch a marley?"