
What is Marxism?


A socio-political economic theory developed from the various writings of Karl Marx and Friederich Engels. Often misrepresented by ignorent and spoilt middle-class kids who have no concept of what it is to live within the disprivaleged working-class that has no hope of escaping their position.

Its *nothing* like the Proletarian Bonapartism (Stalinism) that has existed. Communism has *never* existed - stop comparing apples to oranges and read the bloody Manifesto you thick, rich, bastards.

Pick up a fucking book you thick cunts. Its called "Das Kapital".


Marxism is the name given to the set of political, social, philosophical and economic analyses formulated by Karl Marx and his close friend Friedrich Engles during the 19th Century - ideas which remain influential across the world today.

The basic tenets of Marxist thought hold that history is best understood in terms of class struggle and that the material forces of production in a society forms the dominating influence on the cultural/ideological superstructure of any given society - the mode of production determines the mode of life; for example a nomadic peoples culture will be centred around journeying to find fresh food and pasture, wheras a settled agricultural peoples society will be formed on the basis of their own mode of production. The dominant class in a society, which appropriates the surplus economic product of that society creates and supports the dominant ideology of their society, reinforcing their posisition at its top.

The surplus product of a society is the unpaid labour of the working classes - all those who do not own the means of production and whom must sell their labour in return for wages in order to survive. Capitalists buy this labour under its value which create profit. Eventually this leads to a crisis of 'overproduction' ofteb referred to as a 'recession' or 'slump', at which point the workers are abandoned as they are not employed for either a social need or for personal satisfaction - but for the generation of greater profits.

A Marxist state has never existed and is an oxymoron, as is Communist State, etc etc.

Marxism is a democratic ideology, beleiving that only the movement of the vast majority in individual nations and accross the world can overturn capitalism and create a world organised to provide for need, where a person is not tied like a serf forever to one job no matter how demeaning or pointless and where people give and take "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need".

Marxism shows us that a handful of super rich individuals and companies determine the fate of national democracies and of the world - a world which is being eaten to death by the capitalist system of economic organisation.

See marx, marxism, engels, socialism, communism


In short it's the real communism. Sadly the view of communism has been butchered by society and is now viewed as the mass killing of Russians and Chinese. Everyone can agree that Stalin had it wrong, so did Mao. But let's not forget the true words of Marx. So go ahead hate communism but don't let Marx get the blunt of your insults. Read the manifesto and see what was supposed to happen.

Nothing more to say about marxism.

See communism, marxist, stalin, mao


Created by Karl Marx.

Marxism is not Communism, its what communism based its ideas on. Communism was starlins dream for russia, Karl Marx, lived in the early 1800's and did write the communist manifesto, for the communist party,that was 1848, based on his marxist ideas along time before starlin .

"How do you tell a Communist? it's someone who reads Marx and Lenin.And how do tell if somes a marxist ? It's someone who understands Marx and Lenin."

Marxism not communism

See communism, marxist, communist, lenin, marx


A form of government created by Karl Marx, it was meant to make everyone equal by not letting anyone control industry and become powerful, unfortunatly dictators like Stalin bent it to make them rule the country without letting anyone have their say

Marxist - Damn Stalin and Kim Jong Il bent Marxism to make them powerful, now everyone doesn't know the Marxism is meant to make everyone equal!

Communist- Shut up, Don't you dare put down comrade Stalin or comrade Kim Jong Il!

See communist, marxist, stalin, comrade


What a communist calls communismwhen they dont want to admit to being a communist.

Janie: lmao, jim your sucha commie (:


See communist, marxist, marxism, lenin, stalin, hitler, fergalicious


Pertaining to the Marx Brothers, especially Groucho Marx.

That stand - up comedy routine reeked of Marxism!


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