Mary-kate And Ashley

What is Mary-kate And Ashley?


Disgustingly rich 18-year-olds with millions of dollars to their names.

I'm just hoping somebodies gonna add a decent image to this definition! Hehehe.


Underage girl that would be worth the jail time to nail.

I'd mary-kate and ashley your sister anytime!

See lolita, full house, ashly, underage, girls


1. Anorexicrich freaks who are always together and probobly lesbians.

2.A name for two boobs.

1. Person #1:Ewwww look at those anorexic freaks.

Person #2: Oh it's just Mary-kate and Ashley!

2. Lara! Put away mary-kate and ashley! -sees lara covering her boobs-


Two smoking hot twin actresses who are cute and terribly rich. I still love them.

Tris: Will you two marry me?

Olsen 1: Sure.

Olsen 2: Sure.

Tris: Wahoo!

Tris just married Mary-Kate and Ashley.

See mary, kate, ashley, twins


Beautiful girls who are rich yes, but they don t gloat about it, they deserver everything they get cos they worked hard for it, Mar-kate is anorexic yes but she is dealing with it and she doesnt need people teling her shes anorexic. They are brilliant role models for younger girls and are kind!!!

Mary Kate and Ashley are superstar Twins!


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