Mary-kate Diet

What is Mary-kate Diet?


regulated selections of intake consisting of cocaine, coffee and cigarettes.

I saw Julio smoking at Starbucks, he's on the Mary-kate diet.

See mary-kate, starbucks, coke, cigs


A diet wherein you don't ingest anything at all.

The Ethiopan people are on the Mary-Kate Diet.

See starvation, disease, kate moss


Anorexiaor an eating disorder, Mary-Kate Olsen,Olsen Twins, bulimia, starvation, not eating to lose weight

She lost a ton of weight, she must be on the Mary-Kate diet.

See <3


To ingest cocaine instead of food, resulting in the loss of unwanted, or in some cases, wanted, pounds.

Jiminy: Mary-Sue sure looks a lot thinner since she started dating Paco.

Jominy: Fuck yeah. He's got her on the Mary-Kate diet. Nothing but white lines, mirrors, and blow-jobs.


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