
What is Masala?


A word of Indian origin, meaning mixture of spices. For example, the term "garam masala" -- literally a "hot mixture of spices" -- is a combination of ground roasted cumin seeds, coriander seeds, cardamom, cloves, and other spices. The term "masala" is used in a slang fashion to connote "an interesting mixture of things". For example, that was a "masala film with elements of a Bond movie, a comedy, and a date movie".

"That chicken tikka masala was delicious... I must get the recipe"

See spice, blend, hot, spicy, delicious


To be on indian decent; in a sense of pride.

Describing someone of indian decent.

She's my Masala woman.

I've got much Masala.

See Scurr


When something from the east meets somethin from the west or when someone meets juka.

Juka is alex's masala.

See juka


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