
What is Mashing?


drving fast

i was mashin down the street.


When bicyclists, namely fixed-speed riders, dip and weave quickly through cars, skid through them, or a combination of the two.

Mark is one of the best messengers I know. He's so good at Mashing.

See fixie, bike, messenger, race, hipster


Mashing is the act of attacking enemies that are already maimed or significantly impaired as they crawl on the ground. It is highly prominent in video games and commonly accepted among newcomers.

Man one: "Ugh, I've been shoved to the ground and my left arm is gone! Somebody help!"

*noob on the other team comes along*

Man one: " Oh sh..."

*man one is killed*

Man two: "Whoa, man, that noob was Mashing you!"

See noob, pwned, mash, mashing


destroying someone's or something's face due to anger

Leslie was mashing the fax machine because of all the faxes she received

See mash, mashing, beat, destroy


hittin a HOMERUN!! (4th base).. the process of sexual intercourse!

See: my bedroom on a weekend... haahha

when ur dad calls u and says "stop mashing.. what r u doin.. where's ____?! let me talk to him!"


to drink or chug a beverage, usually an alcaholic one.

"after mashing that 40, i was ready to pass out."

See chug, down, drink, guzzle, swallow


To tickle one's fancy through the tickling of one's willy

Field was caught mashing for the seventh time today

See wanking, masturbating


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