
What is Masquerade?


From White Wolf's Vampire: The Masquerade game series. This is the name given to the tradition of the Kindred (vampires) hiding themselves from the Kine (humans). They have learned over the centuries that it is better for them to hide from the knowledge of mortals, lest they be discovered and hunted to extinction. Humans far outnumber the Kindred, and armed with UV lights and flamethrowers, they would die out very fast indeed.

Those Kindred foolish enough to violate the Masquerade are usually executed.

See vampires, jyhad, ventrue, enoch


1)A party which is celebrated with masks.

2)An art in Japan where a mask is painted with different styles and colors.

3)An hentai which features a boy named Gen that is cursed by his family's bloodline.

1)Me and my friend Micheal went to a Madquerade because there wasn't any thing on T.V.

2)Masquerading is boring! GIMMIE A GAY RAINBOW COLOR!

3)This hentai,Masquerade has a bad storyline and bad english dubbing!Plus they censor the penis and vaginas!

See vagina, hentai, h, perverted, masquerade


The second installment to the Blue Bloods series by Melissa de la Cruz. Schuyler travels to Venice with Oliver to find her grandfather. For a few months the silver blood attacks have stopped for a while, but Schuyler is convinved they're not over.

Masquerade is the novel in which the Four Hundred Ball occurs.

See vampires


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