What is Massachusetts College Of Liberal Arts?


MCLA. Small (slightly shitty, but still enjoyable) liberal arts college in North Adams, MA. Good place to start out... that's it.

Enjoy: Townhouses, Blackinton St, The Mound, Fish Pond, 24/7 Dunkin Donuts, Fort Zen, Fire Pit, 3 AM pizza deliveries and townies.

Beware: RA's, the never-ending winter, herpes, and townies.

"I go to Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts because I'm smart enough for Williams and Smith, but not poor enough for more financial aid."

See north adams


Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts: MCLA; formally known as North Adams State College.

Located in the Berkshires in the northwest corner of Massachusetts, the city of North Adams, MA has a population of 14,700. MCLA is a small liberal arts college in North Adams, MA. Faculty to student ratio of 1:13 & an average class size of 18 students; so your teachers actually know your name. Around 2,000 total enrollment including graduate students with almost half of them living on or around campus.

Enjoy: Townhouses, Blackinton St, The Mound, Mt. Greylock, Mass MOCA, Fish Pond, 24/7 Dunkin Donuts, McDonalds when they let you walk through the drive-thru, Fire Pit, 3 AM pizza deliveries, and even sometimes thetownies.

Beware: RA's, the never-ending winter, herpes, and townies (espicially when they follow you from The Mound).

"I go to Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts because I'm smart enough for Williams, but I don't have a family member who went there or have the money for an Ivy League school."

See north adams, williams


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