
What is Massari?


an American Music Star , originally from lebanon , and his name in arabic means : Money

super star MASSARI is Lebanese

See massari, floos, groosh


a guy that has a billion dollars

man, bill gates is so massari

See massari, billion, camille


The latest bullshit creation of MTV, a cocksucking castrated deuchebag who songs aren't music and have no message.

Massari is the role model for St. Michael's College

See gino, shitty, mtv, commercial


1. One of any number of tumors which are always found in the anal region of angry embittered humans.

2. Any rude chain-smoker of Italian descent.

1. "I'm scheduled to have this horrible massari removed from my ass on Tuesday."

2. "Did you see that massari just stub out his Kool on that kid's cotton candy? How outrageous!"

See boil, canker, rude


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