
What is Masta?


1) One who defeats another; a victor.

2) An expert of a certain skill.

3) A worker qualified to teach apprentices.

4) A person who is above the status of a master.

1) I am the loser and he is the masta.

2) He is a masta of the sword.

3) That person is a masta who trains others.

4) MaStA ViC is considered a masta.


Exceeds master; one who is way above the status of master

Brian is the masta


1.The epitomy of superior, a step beyond master.

2.Ghetto spelling of 'master'

1. Yo dawg, yo da Masta

2. Dang, my headmasta is real dookie


The way slaved refered to their slavemasters

Yes Masta!


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