
What is Materialism?


Devotion to material wealth (tangible objects) It is also a philosophy that states that all things, will eventually be explained by physical properties. Most Westerners are materialists. Which means they are bastards who crave material wealth and will go to no end to get more. See CapitalismMaterialism will be the downfall of society.

|=|_|(|{ j00, you westerner, materialist bastard.

See Karl Marx


1. A philosophy that holds that everything that exists is made of matter. (see also metaphysical naturalism)

2. The belief that material wealth is the greatest good. (see also objectivism)

1. "It is not materialism that is the chief curse of the world, as pastors teach, but idealism. Men get into trouble by taking their visions and hallucinations too seriously." --H.L. Mencken

2. "It is preoccupation with possessions, more than anything else, that prevents us from living freely and nobly." --Thoreau

See consumerism, atheism, idealism, science, spline


the preoccupation with possessions, and caring more about things instead of people and what's more important in life. Materialsim distracts people from what's really important in life. Therefore, the pursuit of materialism is an empty, wasted life because those things are inanimate objects that dont comfort you or talk to you; they are just as mortal as we.

Materialism is a form of greed that distracts people from what's really important in life, and can make a person very lonely and unhappy.

See money, wealth, things, greed, krock1dk


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