
What is Math?


the lesbian sister of biology

Chris: Dad, can you help me with my math homework?

Peter: Math. Math, my dear boy, is nothing more than the lesbian sister of biology.

See Jenny


Short for mathematics - the logical study of quantity (numbers) and abstract structure (geometry), their operations, properties, applications, and how they all interrelate.

Aside from its incredible value in real-world applications (science, engineering, business, etc.), mathematics is also taught in schools because it's the best system to demonstrate and strengthen the vital concepts of deductive reasoning, objectivity, and abstract thinking.

People who are quick to say they hate math are typically those who had horrible math teachers/curricula in school, and never grasped the basic underlying concepts of math. Other reasons for an individual's poor math skills might include having a short attention span, no confidence to question what isn't understood, and the simple reinforcement by peers that it's OK to remain bad at math. But like a sonet or a piece of sheet music, mathematics reveals its beauty to those who speak its language.

"Math sucks!"

"No, YOU just suck at doing it."


1. a class we take because we hate ourselves

(from the Latin "mathis" meaning "Satan's Alphabet)

Person A: "I hate my life and I want to make it horrible"

Person B: "I know of a good math class..."

See Troy



one of Lucifer's many ways of making us suffer.

resonable cause for suicide.

Nobody with any sense likes math.

Math sucks and i suck at doing it.


1) A source of common teenage suicide. Mostly defined as an area of academic study- but is known to cause mental health problems such as hallucinations, dizziness, and minor cases of concussion (usually from banging your head on a desk) Many retired drill sargeants and arabian assasins take up professions as math teachers to let their steam out on innocent, unfortunate students that had come to actually learn a valuable life skill. Children- avoid math at all costs (!!)

2) A system of numbers and variables believed to be useful in everyday life

1) I had come to math class ony to find that my A+ average has been ruined by a fuckin' test with graphing inequalities... what fuckin' bitch said that

X+3X-2Y<8XY ??? SCREW MATH!!!

2) When I majored in math- i thought i had done a great thing, but it turns out my head is endlessly cluttered with meaningless numbers and symbols (!!!)


whoever invented it should be rotting in hell as we speak. Also the substitute for most common curse words.

This is bullmath! I mathing hate the mothermathers they can all burn in mathing hell ya mathing bitch. Math me I'm all riled up now so math your mathin mather mathing maths.


1. "the hard way"

2. something you need to know to get through school, but will never need again once you're done.

Joe has seven more apples than Frank, who has apples equal to his age divided by 9, how many apples does Joe have if he eats half of them plus one?

Hmm... we can do this the easy way, or math...

See Brad


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