Math Nerd

What is Math Nerd?


A person who loves math, and enjoys doing hard math problems for fun or for challenging him or herself. Sometimes if a person in Math Class in school that is a math nerd, may say for a assignment, "Math Rocks!" and the other people say "shut up nerd!", "Math sucks bum!", "Nerd!"

James: "Math Rocks"

Student 1: "Nerd"!

Student 2: "Bum!"

Student 3: "Math sucks nerd!"

Stduent 4: "You are retarded!"

Student 5: "Math sucks!"

James: "You guys only think math sucks cause you can't do a simple math problem!"

Student 3: "No, we just don't wanna do math problems and do other crappy stuff! We have lifes you know!"

Student 3: "Your a Math Nerd!"

See nerd, math, school, math class, geek


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