Matt Tuck

What is Matt Tuck?


lead singer of welsh metalcore band bullet for my valentine and the worlds sexiest man alive..

matt tuck should win an award for being that hot- or atleast get arrested or some shit, because he's too good looking- especially when he's in the rain...

matt tuck is welsh. matt tuck is cool.

you don't like it? suck meh dong you donkeys!

matt tuck will eat you alive... hahahahahahaha!


Ned; That Band's Pish & Their Singer Is Boggin' Looking.

Me; Haw You Ya Greasy Bawbag- You Touch Matt Tuck & I'll Smack Yo' About Like Tommy & Pam x100!!!! *headbutts* Aye- Ya Spoon, Do Not Mess With The Almighty Force That Is Tuck-Quan-Doe... *bows*

See matt tuck, sexy man, bullet for my valentine


Sexiest man alive... ever... EVER

Matt Tuck is the sexiest man alive

See matt, tuck, sexiest, man, alive


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