
What is Maverick?


Someone who refuses to play by the rules. he/she isn't scared to cross the line of conformity. but their unorthodox tactics get results!

you want to watch out for that guy, he dosen't play by the rules-he's a maverick


not John McCain.

pro-McCain ad: ....the original maverick!

viewer: wtf?

See john mccain, president, republican, advertising, spin


1. Originally used by ranchers to signify an unbranded cow, mavericks were cattle/a cow that never ran with the pack.

See synonym at loner.

2. In common parlance in the western world to mean one who seems to 'float' between many friend circles, always bored or never satisfied by one clique.

3. Someone who doesn't follow.

See synonym at leader.

Guy 1: "Would you look at him? He has so many friends, and never seems to be around any of them"

Girl 1: "Yeah, he's kind of weird..."

Guy 2: "He's just a maverick"

See loner, free thinker, wanderer, nomad, leader, adventurer


One that refuses to abide by the dictates of or resists adherence to a group; a dissenter.

Ricardo is a maverick, he is different than everybody else, you know this!

See ludicrous, different, unique, original


A throwaway word used by Sarah Palin when she doesn't know what the hell she's talking about.

Q: Governor Palin, what is your position on the science of global warming and climate change?

A: Well, Senator McCain is a maverick, and I'm a maverick and a hockey mom, which is a lot like a pit bull with lipstick. I may not be answering your question the way you and the liberal media want me to answer it, but that's because I'm a maverick. And Senator McCain is a maverick, but without the lipstick. Did I mention that we're mavericks?

See outsider, insider, follower, independent, sheep


Verb: to look something up on Dictionary to find its pronunciation.

We had no idea how to say Aeschylus, so we mavericked it.

See maverick, dictionary, define, seminar, politics


A shameless pandering liar. One whose ambition is fueled by an angry sense of entitlement.

John McCain is a maverick.

See demagogue, liar, pander bear


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