What is Mavro?
A Mavro is a Black person or a stupid ghetto person who exudes black-like qualities. Mavro is of Greek origin, and many Greeks use the word as a derogatory to label inept, black, and/or ugly dark people. Mavro can be pluralized into Mavros.
1. Stop acting all ghetto because you are not a mavro.
2. Why you dress like a mavro, so ugly?
3. You are not a mavro because you are Puerto Rican and you don't look like those mavros.
4. Your nose is big and fat...are you a mavro?
4. Greeks love mavros.
5. Greeks hate Puerto Ricans.
a racially disparaging and insensitive Greek word for African American. Mad props to CJ for this contribution.
Typically, Italian-Americans loathe mavros.
All around Greece this is also the slang word for marijuana.
thelis to mavro?
kitao gia to mavro.
exeis to mavro?
typically used by irish-americans that have small penises due to the irish curse. CJ ur a fucking faget for posting that. CJ is gay!
Cj calls black ppl mavros cuz hes a racist!