
What is Maya?


Sanskrit for "illusion". Also an appealing female name, which sadly was not used in The Matrix.

Female:"My name is Maya"

Male:"So you aren't real?"

Female: "Now I really hate my parents.."

See maya, illusion, female, names, sanskrit


1. sidartha gautama (buddha)'s mother

2. hindu goddess

3. a super hot and amazing woman

guy 1 - how was your weekend?

guy 2 - it was awesome, i went on a hot date with maya.

See buddha, hot, amazing, goddess


The most beautiful, angelic, ambrosial, enticing, gorgeous, enamoring, pretty, amazing, lovely, lovable, and wonderful girl anyone could ever met. The girl any guy would dream about spending their life with.

Me: I am unconditionally and irrevocably in love with her.

Travis: Who?

Me: Maya =]]]

See love, life, beautiful, =)


The Native Americans who used to live in El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and 5 states in Southern Mexico.

Most people who are from El Salvador are Mestizo which means they have Mayan and Spanish descendance.

See Mayan


1. Maya

Sanskrit for "illusion", or that which is perceived through the senses.

Also a name for a chick. Which unfortunately was not used in The Matrix trilogy. Variations include Mya, Maja etc.

Chick:"Hi. My name is Maya"

Guy:"So you're an illusion?"

Chick:"Yes, just like these (flashes her tits)...but i bet your boner isn't."

See maya, illusion, female, names, sanskrit


A Powerful Award-winning software for digital image creation, 3D animation, and visual effects. Used by major of the production houses.

Maya was used for special effects in LOTR

See 3d, animation, 3ds max, autodesk, software, j10


A grown up mixed with a child. They like immagination and tend to like the oppisite sex in a FRIEND way more than the same sex.

See that girl over there with the blocks? She is a complete Maya!

See child, kid, animal, dinosaur, dog


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