Maybe Later

What is Maybe Later?


a slightly less (or more) dick way of saying "no fucking way."

"Hey man wanna come over later and catch Dancing With the Stars?"

"Maybe later."

"You fuckin' dick."

See dick, mean, rejection, reply


Maybe <i> never. </i>

Often used by females to kindly reject someone.

Do you want to come over?

Maybe later. (no)

See maybe, no, not really, no way, negative


usually said by females, maybe males. When a person is asked to join in an event and doesnt want to but don't want to be too rude about it, they say maybe later. But dont actually intend on doing anything later and forget all about it.

person 1: "do u wanna come over?"

Person 2: "maybe later"

Person 1: "alright, call me later bye"

See talented


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