
What is Mcd?


acronym for "maa chod di". means awesome.

MCD yaar, great work.

See awesome, amazing, aweful, wonderful, cool


MCD: Mega CD.

Overpriced CDbased add-on for the segamegadrive/MD.

The first of many flops by sega.

I can't believe I spent my money on this piece of MCD.


Acronym for Mad Cow Disease which was replaced by PMS due to the fact that PMS more accurately describes the time of the month when women will kill for very petty reasons.

Mike: Hey John, do you think I could lay low at your place for a little while?

John: Sure man, what's up?

Mike: My wife has got MCD again!!!

John: Get outta there dude!!!

See mcd, pms, women, anger


Head from a fat chick.

"I just got dome from a chick and it cost half as much"

"Dude you got McD"

See d, bj, dome, head, blowjob


More Core Divison

"I bought a new MCD shirt the other day."

See Diego


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