
What is Mcdonalds?


A place where people eat alot, get fat, and then sue to get money.

I ate at McDonalds everyday for 7 years and now I weigh 500 pounds, so I'm gonna sue them to make some cash.


Shit served in plastic containers.


1. A new innovation in disposal that gets rid of toxic waste by packaging it as food and selling it to people who don't know any better.

2. The lowest common denominator (for eating out).

3. An expression of United States cultural imperialism/cultural pollution (as seen from outside the United States). A symbol of increasing global cultural homogenization.

4. One of the best incentives for students to work hard at their studies, so that they can either a) avoid ever working there or b) stop having to work there. See mcjob.

5. An eating place that can give you malnutrition and indigestion simultaneously.

6. An evil cult hell-bent on seducing youth and molding their eating preferences for life. See happy meal, branding.

7. Outside of the United States, a symbol of America -- Frequently the target of demonstrations, riots, arson etc. in consequence if no embassy or consulate is close by.

McDonalds is invading the world -- like a virus.

See sludge, mcjob, happy meal, fast food, fat, cultural pollution, imperialism


Restaurant that's sued by fat ass bitches for making them fat even though the fat ass order five supersized meals a day.

Eat responsibly.


Health Food

McDonalds, we make your heart a more efficient machine by making it work TWICE AS HARD!


A well-known "resteraunt" which has spreaded thousands of fast food chain links to their name through all most every country in the world like a deadly virus.

Almost everyone in the world have heard their infamous name, and they either love it or hate it.

Resulting in stepping inside an average abyss of tastebud Hell, you will be shocked to discover many terrifying sights. The basic area is horrid, and the first thing heard is whiny children complaining that their "McNuggets" are too "salty" and obnoxious overweight adult customers arguing pointlessly at a random worker. Most seats are taken up by either a crowd of 100 college students clustered into the corners of the room wearing baggy bin bags for trousers, idiotic children or teenagers shouting random things about their "meals" or obese men and women who gorge on about 5 of the disgusting, greasy "burgers" which would make a pig look like it has better diet and dining sense. The smell and overall breathing space is terrible, and the tiny sweaty dining areas usually waft with odours of frying faeces coming from the hidden kitchens.

In other information, most sensible people who have better minds and eating plans will stay well clear of this nightmare, rather than the poor, overweight souls who have had their mouths possesed by poorly cooked pieces of "meat" which look like floppy donkey carcass pressed into a disk-like shape by a child's cookie cutter. Often, terrible bouts of hiccups, burping, vomiting or diorraeh occur approximatly two hours after eating any large portion of the food served there.

Most people now resent the place even more, what with the pathetic TV commercials where they have rappers talking nonsence about how they think "McDonald's" is "the place to be" which makes 70% of the audience expossed to it want to slsh open their wrists in a frenzy of emarassment and hate. Even moronic pre-pubescant girls hate it, and if they were fans of Justin Timberlake now, they will have custom-made dartboards with a photograph of him in the middle for in his honour for inventing it's new catchphrase: "I'm lovin' it".

...Well, sorry, but in my opinion and half of the world, I sadly don't...but don't put me off you fans of buying the new "McVomit In A Bun".

>_< ...Don't make me go there again...I think I actually feel sympathy for the former slim population who have been sucked into the evil...


what got yo mama fat

That ain't baby fat bitch...the McDonalds gave you that shit!

See Nick D


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