
What is Mcfuckface?


1. A fuckface who works at McDonalds.

2. Any fuckface to whom one wants to talk down.

3. Phony last name used to replace someone's last name that begins with Mc-.

4. Jesus' dick, which feels better in the butt than in your mouth.

1. Guy: That McFuckface didn't give me any fries.

2. Guy: Excuse me, McFuckface, was I talking to you?

3. Guy 1: Hey, here comes Jim McFuckface!

Guy 2: Come on, man. His name's Jim McPeters.

4. Guy: I told you, put McFuckface in my ass! That's where it belongs!

Jesus: Fuck you! It's going in the mouth!

See mcdonalds, fuckface, last name, derision, slander


someone who is either a stupid fucker with a ugly face or just an asshole

my boss is a stupid mcfuckface

See assholes, cuntface, fucker


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