
What is Mcgillicutty?


This is a good filler word when you can't think of the name of a particular object or person you want to reference.

Go into my office and grab the McGillicutty off of my desk.


(Adj) Peculiar in a negative or derogatory way. Used to describe the look of clothing styles, people's appearance, or to describe material goods of suspect quality.

Coined by Bubba the Love Spongethey have never outright defined the word but used it regularly in early-mid 2006.

(Noun) Useless Junk.

(adj)I like number 124 but I'm a little distracted by the wood panneling Mcgillicutty Jones in the background.

That old hefer was showing some flabby Mcgillicutty puss on the backside.

(noun)Don't be coming in here trying to put over that Mcgillicutty.

See jones, shennanigans, bubba, love sponge, btls


In use with ones last name, means something that you, and only you do as a specialty.

Look how Freeze sells phones, he puts his foot on their cart and does a little Freeze McGillicutty.

That sell right there is a Tommy Jones McGillicutty.

See mcgillicutty, freeze, tommy, jones, shit


(adjective) Sometimes used in conjunction with the word "Silly", as in "Silly McGillicutty." The name comes from the old TV sitcom "I Love Lucy." References someone or something funny or outrageous.

"You Silly McGillicutty!"

See silly, outrageous, funny, slapstick, comedy


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