
What is Mcgriddles?


Testicles. Used when one of the many other synonyms would be crude or impolite.

Oh! He took one right in the McGriddles!

See testicles, balls, scrotum, sack, nutsack, nuts


a breakfast sandwich of warm golden griddle cakes, and different combinations of savory sausage, crispy bacon, fluffy eggs and melted cheese that is frequenly enjoyed by the Indian population

Ghandi would have loved to eat Mcgriddles for breakfast.

See McFlurry


To make large bowel movement

I just took a fat mcgriddles

See mcgriddles, poop, dump, loaf, pile, shit


a treat enjoyed by idian americans at the local Mcdonald's

Look at that indian rapping horribly and eating a mcgriddles


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