What is Mcguire?
A location through the years of 1999-2003 that was once considered the drinking capital of Philadelphia. Many have gathered on numerous pointless occasions and have attained extreme levels of intoxication. From beer bongs to birthdays, whippets to gankers, attractive high school dreams to sloppy second scravens. It was a night of chance and garunteed inevitable blackouts. Mainly goodtimes.
"After school McGuire!"
sucking your own weiner for a long period of time before cumming on your face while fingering your butthole
that kid definitely mcguires himself
To be gayer then gay. The process of male on male penetration. To be very frail wristed. a person that should wear wrist guards
Did u see the movie broke back mountain that was so Mcguire.
Frank looked at steve in a very Mcguire manner.
did u see that guy kiss that other guy that was so Mcguire.