What is Mcgyver?
When during sex, you can't find a condom to use, so you improvise and find items around you to make one.
Last night, Mitchel Burgess had to mcgyver a dirty sock and a rubberband before he blew his load into some
swamp donkey he met on the street.
v. To use an item for a purpose of which it was not designed for.
She mcgyvered her lighter to hit the nails in.
1. Of or relating to the show of the same name. Starring
2. To fix or construct something using only the materials at hand, such as a paper clip and a drinking straw. Requires awesome
1. SpikeTV is awesome because they show four hours of Star Trek followed by one hour of McGyver every weekday.
2. I mcgyvered the window so it wouldn't leak anymore.
to modifiy or create something out of one or more materials for the purposes of getting high.
originated from television show of the same name, as the star character could use only his swiss army knife and materials around him, and his all powerful golden mullet to escape from danger and overcome adversity.
he mcgyvered a bong out of a whiffle bat and a cork screw.