
What is Mcidiot?


This person is such a big schmuck, that he or she will watch the movie "Super Size Me," a documentary about a man who eats McDonald's for breakfast, lunch and dinner for 30 days and nearly dies, and is turned on to eat McDonald's.

In other words, it is your fat friend (or you) who loves McDonald's so much that he or she will eat it at the drop of a hat. All you must do is say the word: McDonald's.

Clayton was at work and had a customer whose last name is McDonald. Within 10 minutes after dealing with his customer he drove to McDonald's and ordered a double quarter pounder meal with no onions and pickles. McDonald's.

Did you see a movie that proves McDonald's is not healthy to eat?

I bet you're hungry. If so, consider yourself a McIdiot.

See mcdonald's, mcdumbass, mcidiot, fat, stupid


A person who works at any fast food restaraunt that constantly messes up peoples orders.

That McIdiot gave me chicken nuggets instead of a hamburger.

See fast food, idiot, stupid, screw up, mcdonalds


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