What is Mcloughlin Highschool?


McLoughlin Highschool (aka Mac-Hi) is a brown ugly highschool that is 75% mexican and 25% white people. Most of the whites are retarded rednecks who drive loud annoying trucks and throw shitty drinking parties that nobody likes every friday night (if you are high you might enjoy them). The rest are stoners which one of the writers of this definition is one. The school is located in a town defined as a soul-sucking shit-hole. This is rightly named as most of the school (defined as most of the town) is involved with drugs and/or alcohol. But its not all that bad, the only things we are good at is Soccer and Wrestling. This school is run by a fat, evil vice principal who, if you get in trouble, will tear you a new butt-hole and then have sex with said butt-hole. This would go on about how shitty the school is but we don't think you want to read a book on the internet. In short, this school sucks monkey balls.

Shut the fuck up teacher!!!! i can't understand this shit!!! McLoughlin Highschool sucks ASS!!!!

See milton-freewater, shitty, sucks balls, retarded, redneck


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