What is Meat Whooping?
beat a babe in the face or on the ass with your cock as to punish her, or to do it just to excite yourself sexually, just like you always must. you can also call her names during the meat whooping like- you canned corn beyotch, you tinkler spanking taking monkey girl, you spanked fossil fuck, and cunny pee-pee tinky dink-dink smelly twat for me cunt bag beyotch pig girly. also, call her a skank after you shoot your hillaryclintonjuice on her or in one of her three meat package holes.
me so horney, me thinks i'm givin' my three piece squeeze box bitch a meat whooping just so's me can spray me hillaryclintonjuice on her titty nipples. right after i blow one straight up her arse. AArgh!