What is Meatball?
jordan over-ate, grew manboobs, went broke, then doctored bills to steal money from his own housemates... god, what a meatball!
Noun: Usually applied to persons of evidencing a lack of common sense. Syn: Goof, Lackwit, Nimrod.
"Man, Mickey was trying to impress some girls, fell out of a tree and landed on his head... What a meatball."
Used as a verb:
- To meatball, Meatballing
(1) To gain a large amount of weight and obtain obesity in a short amount of time due to intaking incredible amounts of food.
(2) The act of an obese individual rolling towards and over an innocent person.
- To be meatballed
(3) To be rolled over, bumped, squished, crushed, etc. by an obese person.
Used as a noun:
- Meatball
(4) A lump of meat, commonly found in spaghetti.
(5) An obese person, commonly refers to
- Meatballer (n):
(6) One who partakes in the act of meatballing (see definition 2)
- "Daniel, stop eating, if you don't you'll end up meatballing!"
- "Poor Billy got meatballed the other day, he nearly suffocated!"
- "After seeing a meatballer not too long ago I haven't been able to eat or look at spaghetti and meatballs.
Meatball is a term to describe a rather dumb person. We all know the kind of people who never get the joke when its told. That is a meatball and they usually lack common sense.
Johnny Applebottom: hey man that meatball just picked up a tranny and mistaked it for a broad... even after they had sex!!
Smelly Kelly: Ew man totally meatarded.
a term used during world war ii by the americans refering to the japanese. The large red circle on the flag vehicles and airplanes slightly rembles a meatball.
There's Meatballs in the air.
A term used in baseball when a pitcher throws either a very slow pitch or a pitch that is very easy to hit.
"Oh, we're gonna' rip this pitchers tits. He throws meatballs."
Nice guy who thinks with his head not his brain and works out a lot.
Meatball= Mike A. Domanski Jr.