Meatball Sandwich

What is Meatball Sandwich?


you take horse shit cover it in blood and smoosh it in between two pieces of Wonder bread and Ta-daa a meatball sandwich

That meatball sandwich sure was good mummm mummmm mummm

See horse, shit, wonder, meatball, blood, smoosh


when a male tucks his penis and balls in between his ass cheeks. hence, meatball sandwich.

also what james did on big brother 9.

the black quarterback on the football team showed his teammates his meatball sandwich in the locker room.

See faggot, gay, black, balls, dick


Meatball Sandwich occure when someone named Ian creates a gerbil suit from the skin of live gerbils and prances around his living room alone.

Ian went home for a Meatball Sandwich before dinner.


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