
What is Meatist?


1. One who promotes the devouring of animal flesh in an antagonizing way.

2. Those who are judgmental against Vegetarians, Vegans, &/or Fruitarians.

3. Someone who only eats meat or foods with meat in it.

Antonym: Vegetarian, Vegan

John is such a meatist. He even wears a PETA shirt but on the back it reads People Eating Tasty Animals and not People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals.

See meatist, vegetarian, vegan, hunter, carnivore


One who is against the movement for equal rights for all meats, no matter their shape, size, color, texture, smell, taste, etc. See Hamburger Power

I hate fish. I am a meatist.

See meatist, meatism


One who discriminates against others who have meat on their bones.

"Timmy didn't go for Beyonce because he's a meatist."


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