
What is Meatloaf?


One of the most delicious creations of mankind. It combines the deliciousness of meat, with the style and control of "loaf".

Meatloaf is a meal that consists mainly of meat, and leftover everything. Carrots, Peas, Yogurt, Chips, Anything is able to go into a meatloaf and taste delicious.

(Note: For added deliciousness, add ketchup)

Got leftover's from last year and dont know what to do with them? I do, make a Meatloaf!

See deliciousness, loaf, meat, awesome


An extremely talented musical artist whose popularity spanned mainly through Seventies. He was also known for his role in several movies. i.e. "The rocky horror picture show"

Oh no, not meatloaf again.


A talented Rock and Roll artist with an amazing voice. His various hits have included "Bat outta Hell" "I would do anything for Love" and his latest single "Couldn't have said it better" He is currently on tour in over thirty countries.

(BTW, His real name is Marvin Aday)

Everyone's seen Meatloaf in The Rocky Horror Picture Show.

See classic rock, 80's, rocky horror, rock and roll, talent


(n) A cat relaxing with its front paws tucked out of sight under its chest. Usage originates with cartoonist Kliban's cat pictures.

Tiger is a happy meatloaf on the windowsill.


a black womans vagina

brown on the outside

pink on the inside

like meatloaf

"That looks like one fine piece of meatloaf right therr"

See pussy, bitch, meat wallet, cunt, cum dumpster


To recieve oral stimulation in a satisying and pleasing manner

Marty and Ryan enjoyed meatloaf at the dinner table, but not the edible kind

Eric is getting some meatloaf from Fredo

See pole smoking, blumpkin, blipper


homemade spam sent from an individual to his entire mailing list, usually jokes or pictures.

Ever since that dang noob got my address I get meatloaf every day.


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