Medicine Hat

What is Medicine Hat?


Located at 50.00N latitude and 110.45W longitude, in Alberta, Canada, just over the border from Saskatchewan, the place where anyone from Maple Creek who drives a truck, or has a friend or parent who drives a truck, can be found at weekends loading up on furniture, appliances, and bulk goods and groceries from Wal-Mart or Superstore; closer and nicer than Swift Current, and conveniently located on Highway 1.

Person from Maple Creek: Are we going to Medicine Hat ("The Hat") this weekend?

Person 2: Yeah, where else would we go?

Person 1: What about Swift Current?

*Person 1 and Person 2 look at each other and burst out laughing*

See alberta, saskatchewan, the creek


If you live there, you might as well be living in a hole in the ground. Unless of course your name is Burke Hill, then you're the handsomest guy this side of the Alamo and you have boobies...only with your shirt off though. Pea-Sout.


Hey, that dude is cool....wait, he's from the Hat? Forget he Burke Hill? I think he fought in the Alamo, he's cool! Nice rack too!


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