
What is Mediocrity?


The most insiduous influence on the young is not violence, drugs, tobacco, drink or sexual perversion, but our pursuit of the trivial and our tolerance of the third rate.

i dont think outside the square, in fact, i wasnt aware that there was a square, i just shutup and eat my media and dont want to think for myself.

take away mainstream media andperhaps people wouldnt succumb so unknowingly to a life of mediocrity

See common, decent, dull, fair, fairish, indifferent, inferior, insignificant, mainstream, mean, medium, middling, moderate, ordinary, passable, pedestrian, standard, starch, vanilla, common


1. That which you and I blissfully bask in.

2. A word pompous pseudo-intellectuals like to toss around in an effort to sound sophisticated.

See also: mediocracy

Cocksucker: Enjoy your life of mediocrity, conformist!

Dr. Cool: Likewise, hipster scum-sucking shit-for-brains.

See mediocre, scene, hipster, life, intellectual


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