
What is Meds?


Medications. Commonly used both on- and offline to refer to prescription drugs, generally of the psychotropic variety.

"I hate having to take these fucking meds!"

See lp


drugs, usually methamphetamine

Baby, did you forget to take your meds?

See meth, drugs, junk, stuff, shit, bouncy


A middle grade of marijuana. Better than shwags, but not quite humbolt quality shitfuckyourface nugs. It's basically what you smoke while you're waiting around for the stinky stink.

All I got for ya is the meds.

Meds will tie me over, but where's the blueberry yum yum?

See meds, marijuana, pot, smoke, weed


Stuff that often makes you impotent. Hated by many man-whores.

The girls don't like me anymore after I became impotent from taking those meds that my doctor prescribed to me. *sigh* Man I miss titty fucking those sexy ass girls...*wishes he never got those meds in the first place*

See fuck, pussy, vagina, tits, boobs, blowjob, meds, impotent, hard on


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