
What is Meek?


A term referring to the kind and fair.

"The meek shall inherit the earth..."

See Dave


Humble in spirit or manner,

to have humility.

God's Cure for Pride, Arrogance and Haughtiness


One entry found for humility.

Main Entry: hu·mil·i·ty

Pronunciation: hyü-'mi-l&-tE, yü-

Function: noun

: the quality or state of being humble

Jesus said, I am meek and lowly in heart.

Meekness is one of the fruits of the Spirit, qualities that we must possess if we are led by the Spirit.

See humility, humble, lord, meek


To meet someone when you seek someone.

your usaully a meeker if your brave, doesnt care when someone turns them down.

If a guy likes a chick and sees a hot one at the mall, if hes brave he'll meek her, walk up and talk to her and get that number to hit that thing.

Mitch with his buddies at the mall: Yo, i see a hot flip( fine looking island person), ima go meek that.

*2 minutes later*

Mitch comes back with her number and gloats and says, i just meeked that flip.

See flip, chick, mall


To fuck

To engage in sexual activities

" meek me"

" lets tottally meek tonight"

See fuck, sex, me, you, anthony, spictacular


v. To make a quiet inquisitive squeak, as though unsure if it's ok to do so.

Wondering whether she was busy, I meeked softly; she laughed, and looked up from her work.

See squeak, eep, meep, poke, ping


When dipping/packin a fat hoss, meek is another name for a spitter bottle

"Yo bitch, pass the meeks"

See spitter


meek is a retarted way of saying mike or m33k is another way to spell it if your a tard ass

hi meek, meek is that u meek? meeee-eeek.

See mike


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