
What is Meep?


The most versatile word in the English language, or in fact any language!

Can mean whatever you want it to mean, but the most popular uses are:

1. An exclamation akin to 'ouch' or 'uh oh..'

2. Filling in the blanks where other (rude) words would go.

3. A greeting! I personally say meep instead of Hello...

4. A random expression of happiness used to fill gaps in conversation.

Meep is the best word ever! Meep!

1. "HEY GET BACK HERE!!!" "Meep!" 0.0

2. "Ahh.. Meeping Hell!" >.<

3. "Meep." ^.^

4. "...ep...." ^__^


Onomatopoeia, one of surprise, akin to a gasp.

I poked Tom in the stomach, and he meeped.


Isn't it the sound that Beaker from the Muppet Show makes?


Meep : Sums up everything.

Mr.Smith: Why didn't you do your homwork assginment tonight Jefferey?

Jefferey: Meep.

Mr.Smith: I see I see.

See meep, skeep, leep


An exclamation which can be used for any purpose whatsoever.

Interestingly enough, the religious sect 'The Followers of the Meep' regard the use of the word Meep by any non-Follower as heresy.


The Great Meeper said, "This non-Follower has committed the grievous crime of Meeping without a licence."


This is a word which is used when you are at lack of what to say or just wish to say something random. It's sure to make an impact.

dude:The pink elephant ate my orange :(

dudette: oh meep :(

See emy


1) a more light-hearted version of the exclamation "eep"

2) a prettyful sound used to fill silent gaps in a conversation

#1 - You got an A-, you usually get A's

#2 - Meep!


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