
What is Meepit?


"There is something awfully spooky about those big staring eyes..." is the description of this adorable petpet from the world of Neopets. The original meepit is pink and has huge eyes that bore into you! Watch out for its teeth, they can really bite!


Ouch! The meepit bit me!

Ooh.. Look at my meepit, isn't it cute?

See Ashlyn


Creature, known as a petpet, found in the neopian world of Neopets. A spooky petpet, many blame strange mishaps and glitches on the site on the meepits, which are claimed to want to take over Neopia. Althought fairly cute, meepits are quite expensive to most in the world of neopets.

The description that accompanies the meepit is: "There is something awfully spooky about those big staring eyes..."

The meepits are also known for the love of the Juppie Juice, and can be found in their very own Neopets Game, Meepit Juice Break.

Also, a large, blinking meepit appeared on the Neopets news page the day before The Neopet's Team redid the entire layout of the site.

1. Oh no! It must be the meepit's fault!

2. Look at that meepit over there, attempting to lure those neopians into a trap using bacon.

See meepit, meepits, meep, neopets, petpet


Word often used my fangirls to express dissapointment or simply to fill the silence.

Fangirl dissapointment: Aww, meepits. I didn't get the poster I wanted.

Fangirl silence: MEEPIT!!

Random person: What?

Fangirl silence: Just wanted to keep the silence away!

See meep, neopets, fangirl, fanboy, Rama


Scot. A person who does not have a clue.

He's totally meepit!


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