
What is Mees?


Meese, Mees, Mes.

Short for Meese, It is among others the plural form of moose and a analogy of the proletarian(kaPy being the analogy of the Bourgeoise). Found primarily in Meesasia, teh ,hoem, and gewlag. Vicious when cornered and known to kill entire cities before falling to enemy spears.

"waj out si mes !"


An evil creature that lurks in mountains... watch out, they WILL kill you...

omfg a mees.. arrghhh.. urghh *dyd*

See AE






See SiN


Animal that frolics freely in Unserland

Theres El_Cid making sweet love to mees

See Hostage


Teh symbolism of teh Proletarian or teh plural of moos

Teh ~ r very yammy.

Tehr r lots of ~.

See El Cid


Affirmative response. Sounds rather like a gruff bark.

Girl: Hey, wanna go to the river?

Boy: Mees


hehe eat ass

hehe eat ass


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