
What is Meghann?


The most beautiful girl in the world whether in a tee tailgating or fancied up for a night out. Once you find one you'll never want to let her go, the definition of perfection in a woman.

No way man, your girl likes playing and watching sports, car shows, video games, and she'll go with you to Hooters? That's a Meghann for you. She's a keeper bro.

See meghann, mcdowell, fox, kansas, ku


A mysterious woman. Beautiful and Sultry. Magnetic. She is the girl everyone wants but that no one can obtain. Her positive attitude and her sympathetic nature make her every mans' love interest and every girls best friend. She is impossible to hate or stay mad at.

Meghann is my a mystery.

See names, meghann, megan, beautiful, Tildy


Beautiful, omniscient god-like creature hellbent on mass destruction and the obtaining of power;

a flower designed British-style tea cozy;

the awesomest awesome that ever awesomely lived in the land of awesome awesomality

Jasper; "Hey Edward, where were you?"

Edward; "With Meghann."

Jasper: "Awesome!"

See meghann, awesome, beautiful, power, yeah


A She-Man that is beyond disgusting. Hibernates in their filth. Only attracts bisexual men because straight men can't stand the sight of her. The grumpiest thing you will ever meet.

That's Meghann!

See meghann, meghan, pig, varmint, disgusting


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