
What is Melanin?


the main causer of steryotype, racism, hatred, and discrimination. Though we was all made equal in the sight of God. God is our father, and we are his kids, and we are all brothers and sisters, we all equal, period.

ex. (white moron suburban fucker to child) stay away from those black people they tend to be dangerous

ex. (black dude) white people cant be gangstas

ex. (white dude) black people are dangerous

ex. "It aint about black or white cause we human" 2pac

ex. I dont get racism against either side, white folk just got less melanin and black folk got more, theyre are lighter skinned blacks, and darker skinned whites, and no one can choose what race their born into

See black, white, 2pac, racism, hate, discrimination, suburban, cracka, honky, nigga


Some shit that white people really need

Hey we need melanin so we will be at least tannish

See white, skin, whitey, etc


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