What is Melodie?
The most awesome and coolest Melodie that is spelled with an I and an E. Not some fake uncool Melodi that does not end with an E. Also the bestest friend. Melle for short.
Melodie is just the bestest.
melodie is the coolest name spelled with an "ie". shes awsome and cool and has great tsate in everything. she speaks her mind and loves her friends. she loves to walk around outside and make a fool of herself. she seems shy at first but will open up. she dosent know how to express her feeling well so she hides them. good luck getting her to trust you.
Look at melodie making a fool of herself...again
A Melodie is a person that is overweight, has weird hair,does not look good in yellow pants and attracts really ugly guys.
Has bad taste in clothes, music and everything. The Melodie has a very odd smell and is not pretty.Is an outcast and will die alone as its friend the Kaley Anne. Melodie should die, Melo"die", :D
eee, its Melodie